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23330 AK SKS Stripper Clip
AK SKS Stripper Clip
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Our Price: $0.69

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

Product Code: 23330

AK/SKS Stripper Clips

   1 Piece
   Holds 10 Rounds
   Spring Steel Construction
   Made For 7.62x39mm
   For AK/SKS Rifle

The stripper Clip is made to load 10 rounds into your rifle.  Mount the stripper clip onto the chamber and push the rounds in for quick loading.

Average Rating: Average Rating: 4.5 of 5 4.5 of 5 Total Reviews: 2 Write a review »

  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 sks stripper clips. May 16, 2020
Reviewer: Cliff Deal from Miamisburg, OH United States  
FOR those pesky SKS stripper clips who don't wanna work in a rifle...SAVE THEM !! You have an alternative use for them..with .38 caliber REVOLVER ammo..
 these work great with .38 Short colt [ 9 x 19 for you Metric types..I did the math AND looked it up.] 38 long Colt and 38 Special. 6-10 rounds comfortably and keeps loose rounds together  if you do noy use  moon clips.
  Loading gate type pistols [ Ruger, Colt conversions, et al]  load via a gate, so moon clips are out, carrying 6 in a stripper saves you from fumbling witha box, and  digging loose rounds out of pocket.

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  2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
4 of 5 NCSTAR Product November 14, 2013
Reviewer: Mark from Brockway, PA United States  
Not a bad clip for the money. Only 2 bad clips out of the 30 I ordered. All fit in my Chinese Sks without problem but 2 I could not get rounds to slide through without hanging up. I have not tried the clips in my Yugo yet but I assume they will work in it also.

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